How to Enable & Customize Facebook's Leads Access Manager

Your organization and clients will need to work together to set up Facebook's Leads Access Manager so that BuyerBridge can successfully retrieve leads generated by their Facebook ads, and they don't "go missing."

We'll first walk you through the 3 steps that are required to successfully enable Facebook's Leads Access Manager for your client...then, we'll go over how to customize Leads Access permissions.

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How to Enable Facebook Leads Access Manager

To enable Leads Access Manager, your client will need to Assign your organization as a Partner and Assign CRMs (specifically, BuyerBridge’s CRM) from their own Business Manager.

Then, your organization will be required to complete the last step in setting up Leads Access - Assign People. 

Step 1: Assign Your Organization as a Partner

First, to add your organization as a Partner, your client must:

  • Log into their's Business Manager at
  • Click Business Settings 
  • From Business Settings, click Integrations > Leads Access
    • On the left of the Leads Access screen, under the “Filter by name or ID” field, a list of all Facebook Business Pages owned by their Business Manager will be displayed.
  • Locate and select the client's Facebook Business Page (the account that they want to Assign Partners to) > click Assign Partners
  • From the “Add Partners and Set Permissions” pop-up: locate your organization’s name, check the box to the right of it > click Assign
    IMPORTANT: Partners will not have access to lead data without having a Page Admin role assigned to them first! Click here for our step-by-step guide on "How to Assign or Change a Page Owner for Your Facebook Page."

After your organization is assigned as a partner, it's time to Assign the CRM you will be (the BuyerBridge CRM) sending their leads to. 

Step 2: Assign the BuyerBridge CRM (BuyerConnector)

To Assign a CRM, your client will need to: 

  • Log into their Business Manager at
  • Click Business Settings
  • From Business Settings, click Integrations > Leads Access
    • On the left of the Leads Access screen, under the “Filter by name or ID” field, a list of all Facebook Business Pages owned by their Business Manager will be displayed.
  • Locate and select the client's Facebook Business Page (the account they want to Assign CRMs to) > click Assign CRMs
    • The CRM system must be connected to Facebook before it will appear in the list.
  • From the “Add CRMs and Set Permissions” pop-up: locate BuyerConnector > check the box to the right of it > click Assign
    • BuyerConnector is BuyerBridges CRM, and will automatically populate. 

In order to enable Leads Access Manager so that leads are processed correctly, your organization is required to Assign People - which gives the person/people assigned access to your clients’ leads.

Step 3: Assign "People" Leads Access Permissions

To Assign People Leads Access, your organization will have to:

  • Log into your Business Manager at
    • You must be a Business Manager Admin to enable this function...and make sure to select the Business Manager account that has admin access for the specific client.
  • Go to Business Settings
    • On the left of the Leads Access screen, under the “Filter by name or ID” field, a list of all Facebook Business Pages you have been granted Leads Access to will be displayed.
  • From Business Settings, click Integrations > Leads Access
  • Locate and select your client's Facebook Business Page (the account that your organization wants to Assign People to) > click Assign People 
  • From the “Add People and Set Permissions” pop-up: locate your organization’s System User name (ex. TeamLlamaAdminSystemUser), check the box to the right of it > click Assign
    • If your organization’s System User Name is not populating, it’s because your organization’s Business Manager has not yet been assigned a Page Role.
      The System User name will populate automatically but the naming convention may vary - if you want to check what your System Users name is:

      From your organization’s Business Manager, navigate to the Business Settings menu, click Users > System Users; your System User name will display!

How to Customize Facebook's Leads Access Manager

At any time, your organization can customize who does or does not have the appropriate permissions required to access any client's Facebook Leads. 

This includes assigning "People" Leads Access Permissions, or removing Leads Access Permissions from "People" in Facebook's Ads Manager.

Before granting Lead Access to additional parties, here's what you need to know: 

  • In order to add Leads Access Manager customizations, your client must make you an Admin of their Business Manager and assign you as a partner.
  • Once customization has begun, any new person, CRM system, or partner will need to be manually added. If they do NOT have the proper permissions, they will see an error message when attempting to download leads.
  • If a Business Manager Admin does not customize Leads Access Manager, all Page Admins will have the ability to download leads (by default).

Assign Additional "People" Leads Access Permissions

If you ever want to customize which "People" have Leads Access or their Leads Access permissions, your organization can easily adjust those settings.

To Customize which "People" have Leads Access and their permissions:

  • Log into your organization's Business Manager at
    • You must be a Business Manager Admin to enable this function...if your organization has multiple Business Manager accounts, select the Business Manager account that has admin access for the client you wish to Assign People Leads Access to.
  • Go to Business Settings 
    • On the left of the Leads Access screen, under the “Filter by name or ID” field, a list of all Facebook Business Pages you have been granted Leads Access to will be displayed.
  • From Business Settings, click Integrations > Leads Access
  • Locate and select your client's Facebook Business Page (the account that your organization wants to Assign People to) > click Assign People 
  • From the “Add People and Set Permissions” pop-up: locate your organization’s System User name (ex. TeamLlamaAdminSystemUser), check the box to the right of it > click Assign
    • If your organization’s System User Name is not populating, it’s because your organization’s Business Manager has not yet been assigned a Page Role.
      NOTE: The System User name will populate automatically and the naming convention may vary - but if you want to check what your System Users name is, you can!

      From your organization’s Business Manager, navigate to the Business Settings menu, click Users > System Users; your System User name will display.

Remove Leads Access Permission from People (As an Assigned Partner)

If your organization needs to remove Leads Access Permissions from People, you can easily do so.

To Remove Leads Access Permissions from "People," your organization will need to: 

  • Log into your Business Manager at
    • Select the Business Manager account that has Leads Access for the client you wish to remove permissions from.
  • Go to Business Settings 
  • From Business Settings, click Users > System Users
Within the “Assigned Assets” section will be all of the assets that your System User can access. Your organization will be able to view and manage the permissions of your assets.
  • Under Pages, locate and hover over the name of your client's Facebook Business Page. 
  • Click on the trash can icon > click Confirm to remove the Page (and its Leads Access Permissions) from your System User’s Assigned Assets.

Your organization will now be able to quickly guide your clients through the first 2 steps of enabling Leads Access (Assign Partners & Assign CRMs), finish setting up Leads Access from your Business Manager in the final step (Assign People), and customize Facebook Leads Access Manager when needed.

To test that this is working, your organization can create a test lead by previewing a lead ad that is currently running for the client and determine whether or not it gets processed as a lead in their dashboard.