How To Verify Admin Access For A Client Facebook Page

Why is Admin access on my clients’ Facebook Page needed when using BuyerBridge?

Having Admin access on your clients’ Facebook Page is necessary for BuyerBridge to be able to create and integrate into account assets, such as the client’s Ad Account, Pixel, Catalog, and more, through your organization’s Business Manager.

Facebook also has best practices that you will want to action on behalf of your clients to ensure highest performance (i.e., Facebook Event Prioritization, Pinterest Domain Verification, etc.), and the Admin access is needed to accomplish these items.

How can I check if I have Admin access for a client's Facebook Page?

In your organization’s Facebook (Meta) Business Manager, go to or from Facebook Business, click the icon to view All Tools then select Business Settings.

On the left navigation, go to Accounts > Pages then search and locate the client’s Facebook Page you wish to identify.

Once you have the Page selected, on the right side of the screen you will see a list of users who have access to that Page. 

Locate the name of the User who you want to check the permissions for, and use the down arrow on the right side to expand the table.

If you have Admin access, you will see the top toggles inactive and the bottom toggle, “Full Control / Manage Page” turned on.

If Admin / Full Control permissions are not assigned, you will need to request Admin permission from the Page Owner. 


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