Managing Snapchat Ad Accounts: Snapchat Ads Manager

Without background knowledge or experience in Snapchat’s Manager systems (Business Manager + Ads Manager), managing your clients' ads on Snapchat can be difficult and time-consuming…so let's walk through some of the key areas of Snapchat that are commonly used when running ads on Snapchat.

In order to run and manage Snapchat ads for clients, your agency will have to have your own Snapchat Business Manager account.

If your agency does not have an existing business account on Snapchat, follow the steps within this article here: How to Create a Snapchat Business Account

Snapchat Business Manager Guide

Your agency can access Snapchat Business Manager by going to 

What is the Snapchat Business Manager?

Snapchat’s Business Manager is a very similar structure to Facebook Ads Manager (for those who are familiar), allowing your agency the ability  to access and manage the following for your clients’ Snapchat ads: 

  • Business Details
  • Members
  • Ad Accounts
  • Manage Ads
  • Public Profiles
  • Billing and Payments

How to Add/Remove Members

Your agency can add, remove and control the individuals associated with your Snap Business Manager, alongside which accounts, etc that they are allowed access to.

Before making these changes, the first thing that you will need to do is confirm that the member is currently in your Business Manager:

  • From the upper left of the Snap Ads Manager home screen, drop down the navigation menu > select Business > Members > search Member Name.

If the member does NOT exist in your Business Manager: 

  • From the Members screen, click Invite Member >enter in the new member's email address

Navigating Ad Accounts Within Your Agency

At any time your agency will have visibility into all of the Ad Accounts that are currently being managed by your agency's Snapchat Business Manager - you will be able to view details about the ad accounts, such as Members and Billing.

You can also easily add New Ad Accounts by following these steps:

  • Within the left navigation menu locate Ad Accounts > Click +New Ad Account > select the answers for the Advertiser Details questions > click Account Details > Lastly, fill out the Account Details information > hit Create Account

🚨IMPORTANT: Make sure that when filling out the account details you’re paying close attention - these fields MUST have the correct time zones, etc. in order for the ads to perform correctly.

Snapchat Pixel

A pixel must be created in order for an Ad Account to perform properly. Pixels are located under Events Manager and this is where a Pixel's performance can be monitored.

Snapchat Ads Manager Guide

Snapchat  Ads Manager provides the ability to deep dive into and manage the Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads that they are running. 

Under the Manage Ads section, the first step in running ads is setting up the Campaign. Within the Campaign will be Ad Sets, and those Ad Sets will contain the actual Ads. 

Campaign-Level Navigation

At the Campaign level, the objective can be chosen. A few of the objectives that you can choose from are:

  • Awareness
  • Video Views
  • Lead Generation
  • Catalog Sales
  • And More

Ad Sets

Ad sets are where the targeting and layouts are set for the ads. Placement for the ad can also be chosen here.


Here is where you have your creative and messaging that you are wanting to be sent to your target audience. You are able to set your URL parameters for tracking purposes.

If you chose the Lead objective this is where you can assign the Lead form that needs to be used.

Note: Once an ad is published, if changes need to be made, a NEW ad needs to be created to do so, an already published ad can not be edited.


Since BuyerBridge does not yet support budgeting for dealers inside of the platform, your agency will have to budget their ads using Snap Ads Manager. To locate daily budget inside of Snap Ads Manager:

  • Go to
  • Drop down the upper left navigation menu and click Ad Accounts > search for or select the dealer-client that you will be budgeting ads for.
  • Once you have the dealer-client selected, return to the left navigation menu > choose Manage Ads

In Snap Ads Manager, you can budget at the campaign level, or Ad Set level. 

  • Campaign-Level Budgeting: From the “Manage Ads” screen, check the box next to the specific campaign > Edit > under Daily Limit, enter the new Daily Limit > Save
  • Budgeting at the Ad Set Level: Select the campaign that contains the specific Ad Set by checking the box next to it > toggle to the Ad Set tab.

Choose a specific Ad Set by checking the box next to it and clicking Edit,  OR click the Pencil to the left of the Ad Sets Daily Limit > enter new Daily Limit > Save.

As you navigate through your or your client's Business and Ads Managers and still have questions, please reach out to your partner experience manager OR contact BuyerBridge Support via email: