Monthly Updates - May 2022

🎉  New Product Features

  • Playbooks Are Now Omnichannel!

    Our Playbooks are no longer only deployable on Facebook & Instagram. Now, you can launch your favorite Playbooks to Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest, too!

    • There are still some Playbooks within the Playbook Library that are Facebook-specific and will only be able to be deployed on Facebook - for example AIA On-Facebook etc.

Check out more about the new changes to our Playbook Library here.

  • 10 New and Updated Playbooks

    Our Ad Ops team crushed the month of May, and created/updated 10  new Playbooks that are LIVE and ready to be leveraged ASAP!: 

🚀  Coming Soon

  • Multi-Vertical Changes (In-Dash)

    Since certain BuyerBridge are available to ALL verticals and more features will soon be Omni-Vertical, we are updating our platform to make sure the vernacular is all-inclusive! 

    • Any universal automotive-specific language will be removed and replaced with Omni-Vertical language.
    • Existing automotive-specific features, such as the Inventory tab, will still remain in the platform, but anything that would be universal will utilize a more common vernacular.
    • Keep an eye on your inbox for more information and details about when this change will go live!
  • Omni-Campaign Management Tool & Ad Previews

    Our team is hard at work building a new, super exciting, game-changing tool: the Campaign Management Tool, which will save you a TON of time managing your client’s Campaigns, Sets, and Ads with ONE single Ads Manager to rule them all... 

    • ONE central location to manage ALL of your client’s Campaigns, for ALL of their advertising channels in BuyerBridge! 
    • View Omnichannel Ad Previews and see what your client's ads will look like on any of their active channels.

    Want to learn more about our new Campaign Management Tool coming soon? [WATCH]: Omnichannel Updates Webinar
  • In-Dashboard User Guiding

    We are excited to start leveling up the user experience within the BuyerBridge platform, and will soon be adding In-Dashboard Guides for new features and updates. 

    These In-Dash user guides will make you aware of and get you familiar with navigating any changes in the Dash so that you can maximize all that our platform has to offer!

🔍 In Case You Missed It

  • BuyerBridge May Partner Meetup

    It's possible that our May Partner Webinar was one of the BEST yet…and we covered more NEW information and upcoming releases than ever before.

    Hear about all of the SUPER exciting tools we have in-the-works, and the industry/social trends your agency needs to know: [WATCH] May Partner Webinar Recording

  • Reminder: New AdvertisingLITE Product Package 

    As we’ve previously mentioned - our most recent product, AdvertisingLITE, is currently available to help you simplify social ads for clients in ANY and ALL verticals! You’ll have access to Onboarding, Monitoring, Reporting 

    Reach out to your Partner Experience Manager or email to learn more about our most recent product package and get started!

  • Reminder: Omnichannel Onboarding

    Onboard your clients to ANY channel in BuyerBridge: Facebook & Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, & Snapchat! 

    Check out: Getting Started with Omni-channel Onboarding for a breakdown of everything you need to know!

🚒 Ready to heat up your client’s advertising results? Get your client’s started on additional channels with our Channel Specific walkthroughs that make it easy:

Facebook: How To Create and Connect Assets for Facebook (Meta) Onboarding

Snapchat: How To Create and Connect Assets for Snapchat Onboarding

TikTok: How To Create and Connect Assets for TikTok Onboarding

Pinterest: Setting Up The Pinterest Business Center For Your Organization + Clients

🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • In the Channel Settings panel, the Pinterest links will now pop open in a new tab

  • Users will now be required to check off a user confirmation checkbox during product removal in order to:
    • Help users avoid mistakenly removing a Product for a client
    • Have users confirm that they are aware and responsible for taking action that will turn their client's campaigns off in the channel being removed
  • Previously, when upgrading the Advertising product to AdvertisingPLUS, it was providing users with the option to select AdvertisingLITE - so we fixed it to ensure that was not the case.
  • To match the functionality that was present for the Facebook Catalogs, there will now be a required minimum number of images to be present for the Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest Catalogs.